We've survived another Swiss winter and we all participated in the Kerzerslauf to celebrate the beginning of spring! This was the first time the whole family ran together. I ran the 15km, Bret ran the 5k, Adam was in the 1.3 km, and Ally finished up with the 300m! Kerzers is a little town located just outside of Bern. It is only about 45 minutes away from home. The weather was a bit cool but that didn't stop us from having a great time. Ally was hilarious. She started out strong and was leading the pack when all of a sudden she started to cry. She pulled herself together and still crossed the finish line looking like a little diva. Adam got held up when a whole bunch of boys fell over the top of one another just after crossing the starting line. In spite of the interruption, he also had a great race with strong finish. Bret and I laughed the entire day; I was in freaking tears. Spring has sprung! Hooray! Kerzerslauf link